Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Michael Beutler @ Nottingham Contemporary

As I've said before, I can sometimes be a bit sceptical about fine art. I'm a graphic designer for a reason. During the fine art experimentation stage of my foundation course, I couldn't get my head around just why some of the stuff was classed as art. It helps if I know the full meaning and process behind it, but I still couldn't understand why you would want to walk around an exhibition of random piles of dirt.

However, I'm not totally against fine art - it's where my love for graphic design stemmed from after all. I decided to visit the Nottingham Contemporary to check out what was on - after all there aren't exactly many design galleries around! I actually turned out to really enjoy it, and that is mainly due to Michael Beutler's work 'Pump House'.

Apparently it is a sister exhibition with Spike Island in Bristol, both in galleries converted by the same architect. I was immediately drawn into the exhibition as soon as I saw it through the window. The bright colours, variety of textures, materials and shapes all made for a treat to the eye! I became more interested when I read into the exhibition and realised Pump House is a link to old industrial Britain, with it showing processes such as pumping air into paper to create bricks.

I liked that there were left over bits of paper and ink on tables in the middle, as though the project was still in process, showing just how the colourful world was made. Videos were also interesting to watch to get your head around just how much work had gone into the exhibition - loads of people, and even more materials! It felt like a sensory room, somewhere to touch and play. As you walked in there was even a carpet that encouraged you to take your shoes off and play, making it interactive, fun and appealing for all ages from babies to elderly!

I feel like the exhibition showed everything I love about art - bright colours, playing with materials, and getting hands on and messy!

Check out Michael Beutler's Pump House exhibition at Nottingham Contemporary from 16th July to 25th September

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