Friday, July 29, 2016

Hello August!

1) Beyonce - This is probably the seven billionth time I've mentioned this but, at the start of July I got to see Queen B! Such an amazing night, singer and performer! Read my post for more :)

2) Hair Cut - This month I decided to go for the chop! My hair was getting desperate - long and dry ends and uneven colour, ugh! So as soon as I got home from uni, my first stop was the hairdressers. It's had its ends chopped to a long bob style, and died to a darker browny/red.. you can kinda see it in the photo below! I love it and it feels so much healthier and easier to style!

3) Friends reunited - Our little group of 4 hardly ever get the chance to be together as a four-some, so it was great to have Megs back in town to see her not once but twice! A good catch up about her air hostessing travels over a few drinks (obviously) made for a great night.

4) Working - doesn't sound like the most exciting thing to put on my happy list, but my July has mainly consisted of travelling back to Nottingham to work. It's great because I'm a poor student who went out too much at the end of the year and is paying for it now, so I have been desperate for the over time! And with such a lovely team to work with, and an amazing discount, I definitely don't mind going to work!

5) Exploring Nottingham - last week before my 4 day run at work, I decided to go down two days earlier and spend the time exploring Nottingham's arty culture. As part of my research for university, I wanted to start looking into new artists and get back into my designer head. Check out my post, and watch out for more to come!

6) New Bedding - wow my July has been exciting hasn't it... please can another creative girl confirm that I'm not a total weirdo for loving buying new bedding and accessories for my new flat?! After hours of thought, I decided on a navy blue and white themed bedroom. I can't wait to move in in a few weeks now!

7) Brief Encounters - I've been trying to think of what I've watched this month, and the only thing that has stuck in my mind as being something I've enjoyed is ITV 1 drama series Brief Encounters, based on the upcoming 1980s company Ann Summers, and showing the obstacles the girls have to face. It is a great power woman show! The only other thing I have loved watching is Harry Potter as it has been played on Sky Movies every night, so I have obviously had to rematch them all...

8) London Trip - This post is actually coming to you from London today! The second trip this month, aren't I lucky! This time it's a 3 day trip with my mum and sister, and I'm so excited to be seeing Aladdin and Funny Girl on the West End! I'll post more about my adventures over here in August, so keep checking!

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